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// 6 Tips for Local SEO in London

Local SEO Tips for London businesses 2023

Table of Contents


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Local SEO London businesses

Drive more traffic to your website and push your business to the top of the listings on Google my business and within Google search by following these 6 steps below.

If you own a business in London, you know how important it is to be found online by local customers especially when your competing with heavy hitter. We’ll explore the power of Local SEO and how to optimise your Google Listings to rank above your competitors regardless if your a new or existing business. 

Table of Contents

What is Local SEO?

Quick reminder of what Local SEO is:
Local SEO refers to the process of optimising a business’s online presence to attract more local customers and improve visibility in local search results.

How does local SEO impact London businesses?

The better your local SEO the more traffic and sales you’ll get on Google.
By following these tips, you can improve your online visibility and attract more targeted traffic to your London-based business. If you’re looking to drive new visitors to your business check out our Monthly SEO packages. Also check out our SEO case studies for local London based businesses.

Local SEO London tips:

A list of local SEO tips for London based business: 

  1. Ensure NAP( Name, Address, Phone number) consistent online.
  2. Engage on social media and share posts to Google My Business.
  3. Upload your URL to local London directories.
  4. Use long tail keywords and optimise meta, title, description and content
  5. Add location pages to your website.
  6. Get a tailored SEO strategy to stay ahead of your competitors

NAP (Name, Address & Phone number)

When it comes to improving your online presence, one crucial factor is ensuring that both people and search engines can easily find your business.

To achieve this, you need to set up your NAP, which stands for name, address, and phone number.

By including your accurate contact details on multiple pages, you make it convenient for both users and search engines to locate you. This not only helps people find your business, but it also enables search engines like Google to display your information more accurately in location-based search results. It’s important to note that NAP should be in crawlable HTML text format, as search engines cannot crawl information embedded in images. If your business is located in xxx it might make sure your business listings and social media account clearly states it.

Nap example image - digitally organic

Where to add NAP?

  1. Website: Typically, the NAP is placed in the footer or header of the website, and it’s also recommended to include it on a dedicated “Contact Us” page.
  2. Social media pages: Gerneral rule of thumb is to place NAP in your business information section or directly in your profile however this depends on the social media engine you are use 
  3. External London directories: when adding NAP’s remember to double check spelling miss takes so that all contact information remains consistent

Use long tail keywords related to London landmarks

Localised keyword terms are specific words or phrases that are targeted towards a particular geographical location. They play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) as they help businesses connect with their local audience and improve their visibility in local search results.

These keyword terms include location-specific terms such as city names, neighbourhood names, or even specific landmarks. They are important because they allow businesses to target potential customers who are searching for products or services within a specific area. By using localised keyword terms in website content, meta tags, headings, and other SEO elements, businesses can increase their chances of appearing in search results when someone searches for those terms in their targeted location.

For example:

“Let’s say you run a bakery in London, UK. Instead of solely targeting generic keywords like “bakery” or “cakes,” you can optimise your website with localised keyword terms like: “London bakery” or “cake shop in London.” This helps you attract more relevant traffic from people searching for bakery products specifically in London, increasing the likelihood of converting them into customers.”

By incorporating localised keyword terms strategically, businesses can effectively reach their local audience, improve their search engine rankings for location-based searches, and ultimately drive more relevant traffic and customers to their doorstep.

5 examples of long tail keywords for the London area

  1. “Hotels near Buckingham Palace in London”
  2. “Restaurants near Tower Bridge in London”
  3. “Shopping near Oxford Street in London”
  4. “Museums near the British Museum in London”
  5. “Parks near Hyde Park in London”

Tools you and tips to find long tail keywords in the London area.

  1. Google Keyword Planner which is Free but only available by using your a Google ad account
  2. SEMrush – To find popular search terms that people in London use when looking for products or services. Try the trial version for 7 days.
  3. Moz – Less heavy than Semrush but still has some very useful features
  4. Aherf – Tracks keywords across all search engines including YouTube and social media.
  5. Wordstream.com – Free tool but has less features

Social media

In today’s digital landscape, social media plays a significant role, and Google’s algorithms have recognized its importance. Google now gives more weightage to content shared on social media platforms. So, when creating your social media posts, make sure they are tailored for the specific platform. However, it’s crucial not to overlook the opportunity to share these posts on your Google My Business page as well.

Why you should share to GMB?

By doing so, you establish a connection between your social media presence and your Google My Business page, enhancing the alignment between your search and social media efforts. This integration can have a positive impact on your online visibility and engagement.

Pro tip:  Ensure when posting on social media tag your location and also hashtag local London landmarks in your area example: #LocalSEOLondon, #FoodinLondon, #StreetwearClothinginLondon

Uploading to local directories -

Uploading your business information on local directories is a crucial step in local SEO that can significantly impact your website’s visibility and ranking. This involves ensuring that your business is listed on relevant online directories specific to your locality.

By uploading your business details on these directories, you increase the chances of being discovered by potential customers who are searching for products or services in your area. It helps in improving your online presence and attracting local traffic.

Consistency is key when uploading your information on local directories. Verify that your citations, including your business name, address, phone number, and other relevant details, are consistent and complete across different directories. This ensures that search engines like Google can accurately associate your business information and display it correctly in search results.

Discrepancies in your listings, such as misspellings, abbreviations, missing suite numbers, or incorrect phone numbers, can create confusion and negatively impact your search visibility. It’s important to rectify such issues to ensure that search engines can confidently present your business information to users. Additionally, it’s recommended to remove any duplicate listings you find in online directories. Having multiple listings for the same business can create confusion and dilute your online presence.


By actively uploading your business information on local directories and maintaining consistency, you can enhance your visibility in local searches, attract relevant customers, and improve your overall local SEO efforts.

Here are five local directories for businesses in London: 

  1. Yelp UK: Yelp is a popular online directory that allows users to discover and review local businesses in London. It provides detailed business information, customer reviews, and ratings.

  2. Scoot: Scoot is a comprehensive online directory that covers a wide range of businesses in London. It offers detailed business profiles, contact information, and user reviews.

  3. FreeIndex: FreeIndex is a UK-based directory that allows businesses in London to create a free listing. It provides information about services, customer reviews, and contact details.

  4. Hotfrog UK: Hotfrog is a global online directory that includes businesses in London. It offers free business listings and provides users with detailed company information and contact details.

  5. 192.com: 192.com is a UK directory that provides information about individuals and businesses. It includes listings for businesses in London, offering contact details and other relevant information.

Add location pages to your website

If your business has multiple physical locations, it’s beneficial to create individual location pages for each one. These pages serve as a valuable resource for readers by providing essential information such as your business name, address, phone number, store hours, unique store descriptions, parking or transit details, promotions, and testimonials from satisfied customers.

To maximize the effectiveness of your location pages, it’s crucial to avoid duplicating content across them. Each location page should have unique and relevant information specific to that particular store.

For businesses with a single location, it’s recommended to create a locally descriptive “About Us” page. This page should highlight key details about your business and its connection to the local community.

To enhance user experience and navigation, consider adding a Google Map to your website’s respective location page(s). This allows visitors to easily visualize and locate your business on the map.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively provide valuable information to potential customers, improve search engine visibility for each location, and enhance the overall user experience on your website.

Get Local SEO strategy

After implementing the fundamentals and smart tips from our local SEO guide to boost your small business’s SEO rankings and traffic, you might think you’re all set for success in local search engine marketing. However, there’s another crucial factor to consider. To truly excel in local SEO, it’s essential to regularly perform comprehensive audits to assess your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Rather than simply making changes and hoping for the best, conducting regular audits allows you to understand what strategies are effective, what needs adjustment, and how you can better achieve your goals. This final step ensures that you maintain the progress you’ve made so far.

By now, you should recognize the significance of local marketing and feel confident in your ability to dominate local SEO. However, if you prefer not to undertake the extensive audit work yourself or lack the time to do so (which is common for successful small businesses), consider reaching out to Digitally Organic. We specialise in providing comprehensive Local SEO services for London, taking care of all the hard work for you.

Performing regular audits and seeking professional assistance when needed will help you stay on top of your local SEO game and continue driving success for your small business. Contact Digitally Organic today to take your local SEO efforts to the next level.


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